Fri., January 13
Glory Road
The Last Holiday
Tristan and Isolde

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Parental Guidance Suggested. May contain some material or situations not suitable for younger children. Possibility of brief nudity.
See answers for frequently asked questions.


How can I find out which movies will be playing at my theater in advance?
Movie schedules are determined on Mondays and Tuesdays for films opening on Friday of the same week. Schedules are posted on the Great Escape Theatres Web site by Wednesday. You can also contact your local theatre.

To get the showtimes of a theater nearest you, simply:

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With Aliance's extensive experience in all facets of the industry, and drawing on architects and engineers with decades of design experience, we have crafted the most efficient and attractive theatre facilities possible.


High quality customer service is the expectation of patrons for their entertainment expenditure. To get the contact information for your theater, select your theater from the list below.

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